Safety and environment
Safety and environment

The Corporation attaches great importance to environmental protection in the design and construction process when implementing the Tung Chung Line Extension project, and makes every effort to minimise the project’s impact on the surrounding environment while ensuring compliance with relevant statutory requirements.
Environmental Impact Assessment
The Corporation has appointed a consultant to conduct the Environmental Impact Assessment Study for the project to ensure its design, construction and future operation will comply with the relevant requirements in accordance with the Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance (EIAO). Mitigation measures will also be put in place as appropriate to minimise works impact on the public and environment. The Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) report has been approved by the Environmental Protection Department and the Environment Permit (EP) has been issued for the project.
12 July 2022 | Approval of Environmental Impact Assessment Report |
9 August 2022 | Issuance of Environment Permit |
Environmental Monitoring
The Corporation will conduct environmental impact monitoring in accordance with the Environmental Monitoring and Audit Manual during the construction period. The monitoring data and monthly reports will be submitted to the Environmental Protection Department and made available for public viewing.
View the regular monitoring data and monthly report (English only).
Construction Mitigation Measures
We will adopt a series of mitigation measures as recommended in the EIA report and conduct noise and air quality monitoring in accordance with the Environmental Monitoring and Audit Manual to minimise the environmental impact of this project.

Construction Noise Monitoring
The noise mitigation measures include:
- Use of low-noise machines at the construction site
- Use of movable noise barriers at the works area
- Installation of noise enclosures for fixed machines
- Installation of noise enclosures for the launching shaft of the tunnel boring machine

Air Quality Monitoring
The air quality mitigation measures include:
- Strengthening watering during the construction period to reduce the dust impact on the surrounding environment.
- Covering of stockpile areas with waterproof fabric to prevent dust.
- Setting up of slurry treatment plant, and transporting the excavated soil and rock through underground
pipelines for disposal - Setting up of barging points to remove the spoil by sea to minimise the environmental and road traffic impacts
- Use of covered dump trucks fitted with a global positioning system, and cleaning the wheels before leaving
the construction site
- To maintain the green environment of public spaces as far as possible, we have instructed the contractor to explore the feasibility of implementing greenery on the noise enclosure.
Monitoring of Structural Safety of Buildings
To monitor the structural safety of buildings near the work sites, the Corporation installs monitoring devices on the buildings’ façade or ground surfaces along the work areas to measure the slope, vibration and ground level in the vicinity, ensuring the structural safety of buildings.

Tilt Plate


Real time total station
Condition Survey
The Corporation has appointed a consultant to carry out condition surveys on the nearby structures along the railway alignment to record the condition of the relevant structures prior to the commencement of works.